Wednesday, 24 May 2023

NSW Adult Literacy and Numeracy Council AGM - 5.30 pm 22 June 2023 via Zoom

The NSWALNC will hold the Annual General Meeting online on 5.30 pm Thursday 22 June. The 2023-24 Executive will be elected at the AGM. All are welcome.

NSWALNC Conference 2023 – Teaching adult literacy and numeracy: more than skills, In-person, Friday 8 December

Literacy and numeracy are lifelong and life-wide resources for engaging in social practices in the home, community and work. In recent decades, government policies in many countries in the Anglosphere have narrowed the focus of adult literacy and numeracy programs to employability skills training, and a competency-based training (CBT) model with tightly defined outcomes within accredited training. This reduces both the scope of programs and teachers’ and students’ agency to tailor the programs according to the students’ needs, interests and aspirations. From research and our experiences, we know that many adults want more than ‘basic skills’ when they attend adult literacy and numeracy classes. Often their needs and goals include reducing a sense of social alienation, building self-confidence and esteem to participate in learning and in the community, learning about contemporary economic, civic and social issues and exploring new purpose and goals in life.


This conference is a forum for exploring spaces and approaches to expand the scope of literacy and numeracy programs to enable students to gain personally meaningful educational outcomes through program participation. Invitations are extended for workshops and research presentations that deepen our collective understanding of what we can do to deliver more than instrumental skills to adult learners.


Call for Papers and Presentations will be out soon. Registration opens in July.